How to use:
1. Boil 1L (4 cups) of liquid. Water, soup, curry, the options are endless!
Whether you like to cook or you are someone who is always on-the-go, the Lucky Iron Life’s cooking tools make it simple to add extra iron to your daily foods or drinks.
(formerly Lucky Iron Fish)
The Lucky Iron Fish® is a simple, reusable and effective cooking tool that adds extra iron to your daily foods or drinks.
Made from food-grade electrolytic iron powder that is FDA certified and approved for food fortification worldwide, the Lucky Iron Fish is a gentle source of iron.*
It is an affordable solution, especially for those with iron deficiency anemia.
Lucky Iron Fish is designed to simply be dropped in boiling liquid for 10 minutes to release a significant portion of your daily recommended iron. Start fortifying your soups, stews, or even water with extra iron. It's as easy as 1-2-3-4.
*The Lucky Iron Fish is safe for the whole family. Exceptions include:
- Babies under 7 months
- Individuals with hemoglobin variants such as Hemochromatosis
1. Boil 1L (4 cups) of liquid. Water, soup, curry, the options are endless!
2. Add your Lucky Iron Fish/Leaf to the pot, along with a few drops of citrus.
3. Enjoy your iron-fortified meal or drink, once boiled for 10 minutes.